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From mstar.morningstar.com!n8emr!colnet!res Fri May 14 07:18:01 1993
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To: colin@web.apc.org (Colin Plumb)
Subject: Re: Contributions to the PGP 2.3 release
Message-Id: <9305132204.AA05251@colnet.cmhnet.org>
Date: Thu, 13 May 93 22:04:33 EDT (-0400)
From: res@colnet.cmhnet.org (Rob Stampfli)
Status: R
In recent email to me you write:
>Hi, folks! The 2.3 release of PGP is coming, as they say, Real Soon Now.
>If you have any changes you'd like made to scripts in the contrib part
>of PGP 2.2, now is the time to send them in.
>If you want to start any work for inclusion in the release, it's
>needed in roughly a week ("roughly" means maybe a day or two less!),
>but write and I'll keep you informed.
I don't know what the latest version I sent you contains, but here is
the latest of what I am using. Also, I would like to ask if the pgp
maintainers have made the signal mods I have suggested repeatedly on
the alt.security.pgp group: namely, if the interrupt or quit signals
are ignored on entry, then pgp leaves them ignored. This permits running
pgp as a background task under Unix. If they have not put these changes
into 2.3, let me know and I'll send the diffs to you. They are very
straightforward, simple and noncontroversial, and I'd like to see this
made the standard.
Here is my latest version of "pgpmail" the script which takes the
place of the standard mailer in "mailx" to perform in-line encryption.
I have dropped bourne shell support entirely -- this now requires ksh
to run:
# This ksh script is invoked by adding the line "set sendmail=pgpmail" to your
# .mailrc file. mailx then invokes pgpmail instead of /bin/mail to deliver
# email. This script checks whether encryption, a signature, or both are
# specified, and automatically performs whatever is required.
# Rob Stampfli 12 March 1993
STDSIG="John Q. Public" # sig to use if "sig=y"
trap "" 1 2 3 # req'd so this can run in bg
exec 2>/dev/tty # can be "exec 2>/dev/null"
set +o nounset
unset en sg nl
for i # for each argument...
case "$i" in # look for encryption specifier...
*encrypt=*) en[$j]="${i#*=}";; # requires KSH
*enc=*) en[$j]="${i#*=}";; # requires KSH
*sig=*) sg="${i#*=}";; # a pgp signature specification...
*) nl[$j]="$i";; # a real mail address...
((j += 1)) # increment array counter...
[ X = "X${en[*]}" -a X = "X$sg" ] && exec /bin/rmail "$@" # not a pgp request
[ Xy = "X$sg" -o Xyes = "X$sg" ] && sg="$STDSIG" # std sig request
# If we get here, encryption and/or sig *was* specified:
OIFS="$IFS" # needed to preserve tabs in header
while read x # read and process header intact
echo "$x" # echo the line...
[ X = "X$x" ] && break # and if NULL line, break
IFS="$OIFS" # reset field separators
if [ X = "X$sg" ]; then # no signature specified:
pgp -feat "${en[@]}" # encrypt the message...
elif [ X = "X${en[*]}" ]; then # no encrypt specified:
sed -e 's/^From />From /' | # pre-convert mail glitcher...
pgp -fast +clearsig=on -u "$sg" # sign msg in MIC-CLEAR mode...
else # both encrypt and sig specified:
pgp -feast "${en[@]}" -u "$sg" # encrypt and sign armored...
echo "Encryption phase completed" 1>&2
) | /bin/rmail "${nl[@]}"
Here is a copy of "pgpm", which I use to decrypt pgp mail I receive. To use,
just pipe the encrypted mail message to "pgpm" and it will ask the questions,
decrypt it, and remail the decrypted version back to you. You can then delete
the encrypted version and do what you like with the plaintext mail msg:
# This script is used from mailx or vi to mail invoker the decrypted input
# make sure stderr comes out on screen, to undo vi bogosity
exec 2>/dev/tty
OIFS="$IFS" # we must preserve tabs in header
while read x # read and process header intact
echo "$x"
[ "" = "$x" ] && break
IFS="$OIFS" # reset field separators
pgp ${1-} # encrypt or decrypt the rest
) | rmail $LOGNAME
Rob Stampfli rob@colnet.cmhnet.org The neat thing about standards:
614-864-9377 HAM RADIO: kd8wk@n8jyv.oh There are so many to choose from.